I had a wonderful day at my book launch with almost a 100 people here at my home, the energy was amazing and I’m so grateful to everyone who came.
Here’s just a few photos of everyone included in my book.

I had a wonderful day at my book launch with almost a 100 people here at my home, the energy was amazing and I’m so grateful to everyone who came.
Here’s just a few photos of everyone included in my book.
Coming soon… Book launch 29 January 2023!
With contributions from Diana Cooper, World Spiritual Teacher and Author, Pam Gregory, Master Astrologer and Author and Dr. Sam White, Functional Medicine Doctor.
“The title of this book may sound like a bold statement in our tumultuous and changing world! In ten chapters Sue explains why these words hold a universal truth and conveys them in a way that we can understand very clearly.
Each chapter is captivating, informative, positive and filled with Sue’s knowledge and sheer love for life. Most importantly it contains the nuts and bolts of our ascension process, which is gaining vast momentum around the world as millions wake up and begin to look for answers. The light level is rising so quickly that many people are finding themselves in need of guidance so that they may step up themselves.
The role of modern spirituality may seem quite confusing with so much information to choose from. When you take away the unnecessary distractions you are left with a simple course of action…raise your vibration and be the good that you wish to see in the world. Sue explains this so beautifully. Sue Stone is an incredible lady who has achieved the very best of her life pathway and is loving every second of it! This book is empowering and inspirational as she is.”
Tim Whild
Author, International Speaker and Spiritual Leader www.timwhild.com
“For anyone caught up in a fear based narrative, stop ‘doom scrolling’ and step into your power! There is no one better to remind us how to do this than Sue Stone; she is literally a ray of sunshine and positivity.
Sue makes the ‘woo woo’ accessible and the impossible feel not only possible, but right within our grasp. Top up your battery levels with this book that may be short, but packs a punch. Sue shares effective tips and techniques to help keep us grounded and focused yet our vibration high. I use her mantra ‘I love life and life loves me’ many times a day, it sure beats being miserable and stressing out!”
Janey Lee Grace
Author and Presenter
Malawi has been hit by Cyclone Ana and affected a lot of vulnerable people mainly in Chikwawa.
Charity Nkosi of Dream Big Global Initiative and a member of the Sue Stone Foundation is working on the ground directly with those in the affected areas. We are therefore kindly appealing to you to help by way of donation towards the basic needs of the people of Malawi.
100% of money donated will be sent immediately to Charity to buy the bare essentials. Even £1 goes a long way out there.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Here’s a few pictures of Charity on the ground..
Below are some timeless tips for raising your vibration, enhancing your manifesting success and experiencing more of the magnificent being that you are!
Practice Gratitude
Gratitude opens your heart and connects and aligns your energy to that which you love and is good in your life, attracting more of the same. It is a way to give (in its appreciation) and receive (through the opening created by that giving). The more you value and feel grateful for something, the more there will be to value. What you appreciate, appreciates!
In 2014, just before he passed away, I had the pleasure of meeting and listening to the internationally renowned Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto, author of The Hidden Messages in Water.
Dr. Emoto used high-speed photography to demonstrate how profoundly our thoughts, words and feelings impact molecules of water, the earth and our personal health. He found that water from clear springs and water that had been exposed to lovingwordslike “thankyou” showedbrilliantlycolourful, complexandmultifaceted snowflake patterns. By contrast, polluted water and water exposed to negative thoughts formed incomplete, distorted and asymmetrical patterns with dull colours.
Imagine the effect saying thank you can have on our bodies, which are composed of over 70% water? To tap into the gratitude frequency, practice saying thank you to people in your life more regularly, and keep a daily gratitude journal listing everything you appreciate about yourself, your life and the world.
Drink Water
Water is an essential element for the survival of life. It is imperative to drink pure water in order to stay not just physically active but also to stay emotionally and spiritually stable. It is also considered that water is a form of the life force and energy.
The benefits of drinking pure water are well known. It can help you to maintain the clarity of the mind, it keeps you energized and it flushes out all the toxins from your body. All these result in increasing your vibration which ultimately leads to happy living.
In order to reap the most benefits of water, it’s best to drink pure water. A great way to raise the vibration of the water is along the lines of what I mentioned earlier with the evidence from Dr. Emoto. Before you drink water next time, think of all the positive things and say “I love You Water” in your mind. This will infuse your water with positive qualities like love, peace and hope. Notice the difference when you do this next time.
Take Responsibility
Responsibility brings freedom and empowerment. The more you take responsibility for your life, the better able you are to change it. You create or allow all experience, whether you are conscious of it or not.
Become aware of the thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitudes that are creating your world. Take responsibility for them and choose those that serve you and your world. Get excited about the future, own your power and get manifesting. You can move from victim to victor, from blame to gain, from fear or failure, to triumph and success!
Suspend Judgment
Judging others or yourself lowers your energy and separates you from love, truth and joy. It is a way of making yourself superior and above another by making them “less than” or “wrong”, whilst projecting hidden guilt and self-attack on another.
The more you love and accept yourself, the less you judge others. We all make mistakes. Seek to forgive, understand and love both the one you are tempted to judge and any potential shadows within you that they are reflecting.
It is a scientific fact that the act of smiling releases “happy” chemicals into your brain that make you feel better which immediately raises your vibration. Smile and hold it for 10 seconds. Hold it and just see how you feel after. Notice your energy before and after you do this.
10 seconds. That’s it. Feel your energy shift. Your brain doesn’t know the difference between an outside event that makes you smile, makes you laugh, makes you feel joyful, and you just creating that experience.
So smile more often. Smile right now, as a matter of fact!
Forgive Yourself and Others
Forgiveness of self and others is the ultimate mind-body-soul detox. It liberates you from toxic emotions and sets you free from draining attachments. It can also dispel feelings of guilt, shame and undeserving that can otherwise block you from happiness and success.
It is an immensely powerful force for healing and transformation and a most gracious gift you can give yourself and another.
Show Kindness
Giving to someone else unconditionally i.e. without expecting anything in return shifts your thinking to “I have more than enough to give to others”. Abundance is a high vibration.
In the same vein being kind (as opposed to being mean) puts you at a high vibration. As the saying goes, you get to keep what you give away.
The law of vibration states that any vibration which is sent out for good increases into higher frequencies as it moves through time and space until it returns to the sender, bringing with it the gifts of those higher frequencies.
In contrast any vibration sent out for selfish reasons such as greed or power will bring back vibrations with a lower frequency.
Perhaps you have heard the expression “give others what you desire the most”. By giving others unconditionally that which you desire, you ultimately increase that which comes back to you.
Spend Time with Positive People.
It’s been said that you become the sum of the five people you spend the most time with, so take a good look at your social circle and make sure it’s elevating, not suppressing, your vibrational frequency.
Not sure if those around you are friends or frenemies? Take a look at how you feel and how you behave when you’re with them. Are you your most authentic, empowered self, or do you put on a mask that disguises or demeans who you truly are?
After spending time with the friend or group in question, do you feel uplifted, empowered, and content? Or drained, angry, and depressed? Be honest, even if it means breaking with tradition and switching up your social circles. Your spiritual health depends upon it!
Watch Your Words
Every word you speak affects you at the quantum (energetic) level! The words you speak to others or yourself can actually be weakening your vibration and causing you to not feel good.
Your words guide your mind and body towards the experiences you want to have. For example, not saying anything negative for 24 hours will help you become more conscious about the things you say to yourself and to others. This is a wonderful challenge that you can do by yourself or with someone else. A lot of the times we don’t even realize how many negative things we say.
Always keep the power of your words in mind. During your 24 hours start saying more kind things to yourself and others. Use your words to empower yourself, affirm exactly what you wish to experience, change the words you speak and you will raise your vibration.
Meditation has so many gifts, many of which are now being scientifically recognised and documented.
Meditation allows a calm and balanced perspective to be reached and negative states to dissipate and wash away as you centre and realign.
It also creates a gateway through which higher states of awareness can be reached, and the love and wisdom of your Higher Self more readily accessed. Meditation returns you to a place of clarity, truth and peace and allows your energy to clear and recharge.
Trust takes you towards happy desired outcomes in a magical, effortless way. Trust yourself and your power as a creator.
Trust the universe and the gifts it wishes to bestow open you. Trust the doors that are opening and those that are closing. Relinquish control and allow yourself to be carried along the river of trust, the universal flow, which will take you to your goals with grace and ease.
Remember, the 2 passwords to the Fifth Dimensional portal. Allow and surrender! And that takes trust!
Honour Your Emotions
Honour your emotions and listen to what they are telling you about what’s going on inside. If they are negative or uncomfortable what thoughts or beliefs are they pointing to that may need changing or aligning?
Express and release your feelings rather than deny, repress, control or judge them. This doesn’t mean wallowing in them or giving them undue attention if they do not serve you (i.e. nip that self-pity in the bud!), nor does it mean venting at someone inappropriately (writing a letter and burning it would be far “cleaner”).
Honour your emotions by accepting them and allowing them to be experienced and released, be that by feeling them, writing them down, sharing them with a friend, or expressing them through creativity, for example.
Know You Are Loved
You are loved totally and unconditionally by the source of creation. There is nothing you need do to win that love and nothing you can do to lose it. Become aware of this truth and allow it in.
Open to receive this love. Doing so will enable you to experience more of your inherent value, increase your sense of worth and sense of deserving, heal pain of separation and loneliness, and experience more incredible love that is there for you in every moment.
Organise Your Environment.
Clear the clutter in your life! In fact every little bit of clutter is energy, and I cannot stress enough the importance of clearing the clutter at a very basic level in your home.
Clear the clutter and you energise your life! Do not live within a mass of paper, files, old boxes or piles of old magazines. Feng Shui is very powerful. You need to do it. Even if you spend ten minutes every day clearing a little bit, it’ll make you feel so good and immediately raise your vibration.
If you are sad or depressed, clean out even one drawer. Our physical environment mirrors our emotional state; just as cleanliness is next to “godliness”, a cluttered home is a sure sign of a cluttered mind.
Even chores as simple as taking out the rubbish, washing the dishes, vacuuming a room, or making your bed in the morning can have a measurable impact on your state of mind and provide an instant energy boost.
Contact a Feng Shui expert for guidance and help if necessary.
Move Your Body.
In addition to anti-aging, mood and metabolic benefits, even small amounts of physical exercise can raise your vibration.
Whether it’s walking, running, swimming, spinning or practicing tai chi, qigong or yoga, physical exercise can help get you out of mental or emotional ruts and boost healthy endorphins.
It doesn’t matter how much you sweat; the key is moving through and away from astral energies that could be weighing you down in your current environment.
Get out in Nature
If possible, exercise outside or somewhere in nature or by the sea. It truly does wonders reconnecting with nature and refilling our energetic batteries. Our bodies need natural light and natural air. Nature provides harmonic frequencies that are compatible with our personal frequencies.
Just noticing the trees, the natural sounds of birds singing, feeling your feet rooted in the grassy earth, breathing in fresh air and the pure positive source energy will help you transcend the concerns of what can perceived to be mundane human existence. This will reconnect you with your higher self which in turn raises your vibrational frequency.
Listen to Uplifting Music
Since music is a type of frequency, an audio frequency, you can easily raise your vibration by listening to music that feels good. It’s an easy way to raise your vibration because it takes hardly any effort on your part to sit and enjoy a lovely tune.
Sound and vibration play a fundamental role in everything. Every object has a natural rate of vibration. In fact the human body is a symphony of sound; every organ, every muscle, every system, every bone, every cell no matter what size, are all in a state of vibration.
Listening to wonderful uplifting music can transform the most anxious hearts into compassionate loving ones full of positive energy. As you hear this music smile at your heart and see your heart as a flower, fresh, full of love and full of fragrance radiating out to the world.
Change your DNA
Did you know that your DNA has a vibrational frequency? Music recorded at 528 hz has been shown to resonate with the energy of love, peace and health. It is said to be the sound that resonates at the heart of creation. John Lennon used it when he recorded his song “Imagine”.
Shower or Bath
Ever heard of people who get their best ideas in the shower? That’s because cleansing helps wash away unseen energy patterns from the body’s aura (including those picked up from others and accumulated throughout the day), making room for new creative thoughts and positive energies that are always seeking to guide us.
If you, like me, love a bath, just a twenty minute soak in some healing oils or Celtic sea salts can help detoxify your astral energy field, invigorate and soothe aching muscles. Where possible, use natural, organic soap free of toxins, artificial chemicals and fragrances (which weaken the aura). In a pinch, just washing your face and hands can help freshen your perspective.
For extra energy cleansing, try the Native American ritual of smudging with sage.
Sage is a potent plant and burning it is a powerful ritual.
Burning sage (aka, “smudging” or “sage-ing”) is a ritual used to “cleanse” a space or environment from negative energy, generate wisdom and clarity and promote healing. Intention is everything with this ritual, so before you light up, ask yourself what you’re trying to purify, and/or heal from or release—inside you or in your space.
Use Crystals
Using large crystals in the home maintains high vibrational energy of your space and body.
Large crystals are the high vibration crystals because they hold the presence and energy of the earth. Earth energy reminds us to connect with the divine that created everything with the intention of love, compassion and abundance. Keeping high vibration crystals in each room will help foster a deeper spiritual life. Simply seeing a beautiful piece of the earth everyday will begin to transform your mindset.
Observe the night sky
On a clear night, gazing at the stars and other planets and observing the vastness of our limitless universe is hugely exhilarating and raises your vibration.
Unplug from the Matrix
Although computers, smart phones and ipads are great for staying connected in the information age, all electronic devices emit subtle, invisible electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that can negatively impact your energy field and drain spiritual life force.
To limit your exposure, use these devices for no more than two hours at a time before taking a break. At night before going to sleep, turn off all wi-fi equipment and even better unplug the router. If breaking with technology even for a few hours a day seems difficult, start small with a tech detox one hour a day, then just after work hours and eventually work yourself up to one tech-free day per week.
Go on a News Detox
Ever feel depressed, anxious or fearful after watching or reading the news? This is because most mainstream news outlets serve a primary purpose: earning profits. The quickest way to make a profit is by appealing to the lowest human common denominators of fear, greed and violence. As merchants of chaos, the mantra of “if it bleeds it leads” dictates what is, or is not newsworthy. As a result, a number of spiritual traditions recommend that seekers aspiring to higher states of consciousness refrain from reading and watching the news. Try it for a week and see how you feel. I personally rarely watch the news!
Clean Up Your Diet
A great way to increase your vibration is consuming foods that are filled with vital energy. Some foods vibrate at high frequencies and some lower. Most importantly pay attention to how eating certain foods make your body feel.
You’ve heard the saying you are what you eat. Remember every time you eat any kind of food you’re absorbing its energy into your body. The quality of that energy has a direct impact on the quality of your health and vibration level. Energy is the core substance of everything in the universe, without energy there would be no life.
Understanding how energy frequency works is important for your well-being. When your energy isn’t vibrating correctly you are more vulnerable to diseases, negative thinking and depression. Plants are filled with vital energy from the sun which your body naturally understands. The more you consume high vibrating energy foods, the more positive, energized and vital you will feel, ultimately raising your vibration.
Serve Others
As the saying goes, you get to keep what you give away. Countless studies have shown that those who volunteer their time regularly towards worthy causes in service to others and the world are happier, healthier and more personally fulfilled.
The next time you are feeling overwhelmed or pressed for time to accomplish all of the tasks on your ever-growing to-do list, why not pay a visit to your local food bank, spiritual centre or homeless shelter and help out for an hour or two. Just the simple act of taking the focus off of your own problems and opening up to share with others will move you into greater alignment with the natural flow and grace of the universe.
Have Fun
Fun will attract success into your life like iron filings to a magnet. It is the antidote to
stress, struggle, tediousness and seriousness. When you are having fun you are open
and sharing of who you are and ride on the current of spontaneity and joy. What brings you fun, happiness and joy?
Commit to more of it in all areas of your life!
Love, Love, Love!
Love yourself and others. There may be times this is easier than others, but make it your overriding intention. Love lies at the heart of all that you seek, and separation from it lies at the root of your troubles and pain.
Let love be a guiding light as you create a life filled with an abundance of love, happiness, joy, health and wealth.
We all love to love and be loved! It doesn’t get better than that! It is the highest vibration there is. The more you love yourself and others, the happier, brighter and more fulfilling, purposeful and successful your life will become.
Wishing you peace, joy, love and light and of course high vibrations on your amazing journey creating a life you love and beyond!
I’m delighted to be able to officially announce that the launch of the Feel Good Factor TV series is Saturday morning 7th November on SKY 191, the Showcase Channel for 13 weeks. (For those without Sky please scroll down for details on to how to live stream it).
This show is brought to you by Rocco Buonvino dedicated to health and wellbeing, designed to inspire and uplift, entertain and educate.
Feel Good Factor TV starts at 8am until 11am every Saturday and repeated on the Sunday at the same time.
I’m thrilled and honoured to be hosting the Girls Talk show weekly at 09.35am with these amazing and inspirational ladies aka “my girls” Suzanne Selvester, Heather Small – The Voice Of M People and Stacey Haber.
So many other super stars are also featuring in the series and I believe the timing of this could not be any better!
The Feel Good Factor TV runs from 8am to 11am weekly on a Saturday and repeated on the Sunday from Saturday 7th November. As I mention above our Girls Talk Show will air at 09.35am.
-World renowned Personal Developmental expert and star of the movie The Secret Joe Vitale
-First Lady of House Music Kym Mazelle
-Radio 2 Presenter, and bestselling author Janey Lee Grace
-Disney Channel actor turned Bestselling Self-Help author and teacher Royce Christyn
-11-year-old Author and Inspirational Speaker Tegan Helen (Laura Helen Herbert)
-National Diversity Award Winner and DJ Joss Cambridge Simmons- also known as the UKs leading ‘Super Manny’ Joss Simmons
-World class Psychological Astrologer and author Alison Chester Lambert
-Human Behavioural Consultant and Addiction Specialist Saf Buxy
-Armed Forces Veteran and GB Sitting Volleyball player Darren Young
-Head of Partnerships at The Big Cat Sanctuary in Kent, James Hanaway
-Health and Well-Being Therapist Corine Seow
-Award winning Author, Mystic and Healer Sonja Grace
-Journalist, Author, Book Judge, and popular Talk TV and Radio Presenter Sandie Sedgbeer
– Chef, Caterer and Exmoor smallholder Claire Lynch of Claires Kitchen
***For those without SKY TV you can stream the channel through this website https://www.ayozat.com/ and at the bottom of the page click Signup. It is completely free and you just need to put in your email and a password. Then you have the option to log in. Once you are logged in at the top of the page click on to the ‘TV live’ option (next to the search bar.) Showcase TV is listed 2nd along. Please click on this. ***
The Sue Stone Foundation is pleased to be sponsoring Jennifer Carless in the Miss England Competition 2020. Sue has a strong personal connection with her family and Jennifer’s message to young people completely resonates with Sue and the message of the Sue Stone Foundation.
Jennifer is a very enthusiastic 16 year old girl, with a passion for horses and would like to become an orthopaedic veterinary surgeon once she has completed college and got her grades.
She is also a Miss England Semi Finalist 2020 and she is using that platform to promote and raise awareness for her campaign ‘just the way you are’.
This campaign is all about showing it is okay to embrace your natural beauty and your uniqueness. Jennifer is hoping to show this throughout the Miss England contest and set an example to everyone that it’s okay to be yourself and ‘just the way you are’.
Jennifer is also a Yorkshire ambassador for World Against Single Use Plastic, she is going to help educate people of all ages about the dangers and the harm the plastic waste does if it is not dealt with properly and is going to teach them what they can do to be more eco-friendly and help save the environment for our future generation.
The Sue Stone Foundation is also collaborating with Professor Rashid Gatrad OBE, the founder of WASUP (World Against Single Use Plastic) to assist in their mission.
Monday 4th May to Monday 11th May 2020 inclusive
Just say what you can afford for what you would like from the choice below, (don’t worry you won’t insult us!) and Natalie will sort everything out with you.
With Sue Stone
1. How To Access The Power Within You – A ninety minute group live personal empowerment zoom session with Sue.
Saturday, 6th June 3pm to 4.30pm UK
A recording will be available to view for one week following the date if you can’t make it ‘live’.
2. Sue’s Daily Motivational Videos (normally £99)
Please contact Natalie at info@suestone.com with the amount you would like to contribute stating option 1. or 2.
3. Short term special offer on Sue’s latest book “The Power Within You Now!” Buy here
Natalie Sabih-Stone – BRAND NEW “Recipes for Vitality” to boost your health and immune system.
Immediate download available to buy here
Please have a look at the wonderful opportunities below. Within our team we have such a wide variety of skills and experience.
The following lovely guys and girls have kindly offered their services on a pay what you can afford basis… email Natalie or contact the team member direct with the amount you can afford for 30 minutes or 1 hour telephone or online sessions during this special week. The sessions can be taken at a mutually convenient time after to suit you both.
Rich Stone – Plant Based Nutrition Advocate
Nick Stone – Yoga and Breathwork
Kim Wymer – Positive Empowerment Mentor
Anne Skinner – Life Coach Stress Reduction and Resilience
Angela Mills – Coach and Reiki Master – Love Yourself, Love the Planet.
Charity Nkosi – Life Coach and Mental Health First Aider, Mental Health Awareness, Resilience Team Building
charitynkosi567@gmail.com +265 885778105 (whatsapp)
Clara Apollo – Elemental Qigong Thursday evening group zoom session or one2one
Ingrid Fear – Coach, Leadership and Personal Development Workshops. Resilience, Wellbeing and Purpose
Sue Courtney – Employment Coach (return to work and searching for new work)
Sefik Villasante – Unlocking and Creating the Best Version of You
Kay Underdown – Author and Coach. Discover the therapeutic benefits of writing (group or one to one) and Life Wheel Coaching
Victoria Jones – The Foundations of Wellbeing Online Programme
Jemma Maynard – Positive Energy Coach
Jemma Maynard Positive Energy Coach & Reiki Healer 07811174154
Trudi Day – Healing Art offering Lockdown Lessons and Colour Therapy to aid creativity during this time.
Samantha Hardwick – Intuitive Positive Empowerment Coach and Reiki Master Teacher, bringing the joy back into people’s lives by helping them change their negative beliefs into positive ones to allow for a happier and healthier life.
Christina Butler – Loving Coach, Healer and Teacher
Free hypnosis audios and communication book available at
Anna Barwick – Business Advisor, Accounting and Empowering Your Business to Succeed
Annette O’Donnell – Harp Sound Healing with Chakra full body balance
Health & Wellness coaching incl. support for MS & Cancer recovery
Rachel More – Vocal Coach and Empowerment Singing Mentor
www.rachelmore.com info@rachelmore.com
Nicole Barrons – Personal Coaching and NLP “Supporting you for Inspired Change and Positive Wellbeing” Focus on Coaching for Confidence and Life Transitions
Sarah Tonry – EFT and NLP practitioner, yoga and breathwork teacher and uses journey work and Reiki in her coaching.
Just sharing a few photos from my book launch yesterday afternoon at my home.
So many gorgeous people from all over the country joined me to help celebrate! I was very touched.
The book is available now.
“Sue Stone’s brilliant new book, ‘The Power Within You Now’, is a life changer.”
You are invited to help me celebrate my book launch on Sunday 7th July
from 5pm to 7pm at my home near Bournemouth Airport.
It is totally free and if you would like to attend please email
Natalie at info@suestone.com as soon as possible as obviously
we have to limit numbers.
Everyone who attends will be included in a free draw to win a goodie
bag worth over £150 from me!
There will be a special reduced rate on the night should you wish to
purchase a signed copy of my new book…..
‘The Power Within You Now!’
“The Power Within You Now” is the sequel to
“Love Life, Live Life” and is an easy-to- read life
changing guide. It is a book you will cherish, for
within these pages is all you need to make your
dreams come true. It combines, in a simplistic way,
ancient wisdom, spirituality, science and the material
worlds enabling anyone to live a life they love and achieve
amazing results too.
What People Have To Say…
“Sue has done a brilliant job of breaking down the mechanics
of what it takes to be successful in any area of your life so it
can be easily duplicated by anyone! Her ability to explain
complex subjects like Quantum Physics, Brain Science and
Epigenetics in a way that people of all ages can comprehend is
fantastic! I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to
finally break free from the shackles of their old life and step
into a beautiful, meaningful and fulfilling next chapter of their life.”
Natalie Ledwell – Best Selling Author and Founder of Mind Movies
“Sue Stone’s brilliant new book, ‘The Power Within You Now’, is a life changer. She explains simply and clearly how you can create love, prosperity, success, peace or whatever you want in your life and includes the scientific research that demonstrates how the techniques work. Sue shares her own experiences and how she has learnt to fine-tune different exercises to make them more effective. By following them she has created a rich and abundant life for herself and her family. There is a resonance of truth about this book and if you follow the guidelines you too can make your dreams come true.”
Diana Cooper – World Spiritual Teacher & Author
“The Power Within You Now” provides an excellent and clear overview on how to build the life you desire in a way that will enrich your mind, body and soul. On top of Sue’s relatable story and her ability to distil life-changing advice into simple directives, Sue takes great care to explain HOW it all works on a scientific level in a way you can easily understand and implement into your daily life.”
Matthew Toman & Daniel Holmes – Co–creators of “The Evolution of Success”
“Sue Stone’s latest book is a brilliant life guide for everyone from millennials to baby boomers. It is full of tips and insights gained from Sue’s own experiences and informed scientific based research to help you raise your spirits, manifest your needs and dreams and reclaim your personal power. A great and easy read that should be available in every school to teach our children how to develop and consciously manage and create positive feelings, beliefs and mindsets.”
Anne Jones – International Speaker, Author and Healer
In support of Mental Health Awareness Week we are pleased to
offer our annual Pay What You Can Afford week from
Sunday, 12th May to Sunday 19th May, 2019.
All you need to do is email or tell your friend to email
Natalie at info@suestone.com.
Just say what you can afford for what you would like from the choice below,
(don’t worry you won’t insult us!) and Natalie will sort everything out with you.
Please choose from the following:-
6 months of my Daily Happiness and Success
Motivational Coaching Videos
My 4 week Keys To Your Higher Power videos
My ebook version of ‘Love Life, Live Life’
MP3 version of ”Power of Positive Living
A 30 minute telephone or skype One to One Personal session
with one of my Sue Stone Foundation Team.
The following lovely guys and girls have kindly offered their services
on a pay what you can afford basis… email Natz and she will connect you
so you can pay them directly (whatever you can afford).
Kim Wymer- Overcoming Self Doubt and no Confidence
Anne Skinner- Stress Reduction & Life Changing Events
Sefik Villasante- Confidence and Empowerment
Victoria Jones- Woman’s Wellness, Hormones and Happiness
Rich Stone – Plant Based Nutrition
Nick Stone – Breathing Techniques for Inner Calm
Di McLanachan- Identifying and Overcoming Self Sabotaging Behaviours
Lee Cuddis- Mindfulness Stress Reduction
Trudi Day- Art Healing with the Highly Sensitive Person from
young person, teenager through to adults.
Gill James- Self belief, Confidence and Empowerment
Sue Courtney- Style Coach
Jemma Maynard- Positive Mindset, Letting Go & Living Happy
Claudia Del Canto Concha – Grace and Courage Coaching
Anna Barwick- Business Coach. Advice on running your own business,
Cash Flow, Money Mindset
Claire Chapman – Transformation coaching