Category Archives for Uncategorized
Avoid Judging Things As Right Or Wrong
Avoid judging things as right or wrong. Things are just things. It is in the choice of the observer of these things to classify them as good or bad, right or wrong, fun or not. The minute you judge things, you judge yourself. You also block the hidden gift that an event brings to you. […]
Sue Stone’s Ice Bucket Challenge
“Thanks” to Andy Jackson from Wave 105FM radio for nominating me! Just as we were about to start the Red Arrows flew over! Please donate if these charities are close to your heart. MND Association. Text ICED55 £5 to 70070
Venus, A Diary of a Puppy and her Angel by Diana Cooper
I love Venus, A Diary of a Puppy and her Angel, Diana Cooper’s latest book. I think you’ll really enjoy it. On one level it is funny and engaging, rich in anecdotes about Diana’s dog and kitten, as well as other animals. At a deeper level it helps you to understand and communicate with animals […]
Are you worrying about money?
I am hearing all too often at the moment that so many people are worrying about money. If that applies to you I have put together this short video which I hope you will find useful at this time, even as a gentle reminder of how to manage your thoughts in potentially fearful situations. […]
May 2014 – Shifting Awareness by Pam Gregory
I had to share this fascinating newsletter from my friend Pam Gregory. Pam has had a passion for astrology for over 40 years and recently had her book published ‘You don’t really believe in astrology, do you?’ It’s a highly informative read! Her website is “April 2014, as I write, has delivered on […]
Sue’s Birthday Special Offers and Personal News
It’s actually my birthday today, 24th March and I had a moment of inspiration when I woke! I’m having a ‘birthday week’ celebrating so I thought I could do some special offers again….please see the details below. Today I’m off out for lunch with some girlfriends and tonight Ben, who is […]
A Powerful Way to Manifest Through Meditation
Years ago in my ‘former’ life I didn’t ‘get’ or understand the incredible benefits of meditation. In fact, in my lack of awareness, I have to admit I was pretty cynical about it. Now I thrive on it and my intuition grows stronger and stronger. For many years all my business decisions have been based […]
An offer from the heart to help you
I was listening to Neale Donald Walsch first thing this morning and I asked myself what else can I do to help, what else can I do to make a difference in someone’s life. The answer came to me very quickly; To offer my services for one week at a ‘whatever you can afford’ rate. I’ve […]
My beautiful granddaughter Halli
I couldn’t resist posting a few photos of my beautiful granddaughter, Halli. Well done and congratulations to Natalie, my daughter and PA, and her fiance Ben. I was thrilled to be present at the birth. To all you grandparents out there, you know how I feel!! Wonderful… xx Halli just minutes old Halli 2 hours […]