
Sue Stone’s Motivational Blog

Do things need to change in your life?

Well they certainly did for me several years ago.  I was always saying
‘Things need to change, they are just going from bad to worse’ and
that’s exactly what happened!

It got to the point one day (and I can vividly remember where I was
and what I was wearing) when I realised I was maxed out on everything,
the bank overdrafts, the credit cards, the loans and I couldn’t get my
hands on a single penny.  I literally had £10 left in my purse and no idea
where the next penny was coming from.

It wasn’t just financial, my whole life seemed to be going wrong and
things certainly needed to change.

I couldn’t believe my life had come to this and I started researching
ways to improve it.

That’s when I discovered that it was ME who had to change, not things
or other people.

There are many reasons for this but in simple terms when we start to think
differently, we feel and act differently and we get different results.

Now you probably know this but are you really doing it?

It’s no point KNOWING what to do; you must DO what you know.

It really is a case of self-awareness on a moment by moment basis,
what you are thinking, feeling and saying.  It’s conscious living.

Convert your inner critic to become your inner coach 

There is no point doing some positive thinking, visualisations and goal
setting in the morning and then allow yourself to get caught up in the
‘drama’ of the day and then wonder why this ‘stuff’ doesn’t work.
I’m not saying you do that, but it really is worth being aware.

Too many people unconsciously create the life they DON’T want
by giving it too much attention and focus.

I’m hoping this will be a gentle nudge for you should you need it,
but if you feel you could do with some help or have some deep-
rooted issues that need clearing why not connect with one of the
fabulous members of the Sue Stone Foundation, everyone
has their own unique gift to offer.

You can have a browse here.


Author of ‘Love Life, Live Life’, a Happiness and Empowerment Coach aka The Positivity Coach, Sue Stone is recognised as the UK’s happiest and most positive person. You can find her on Google+ and on Twitter.

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An opportunity at no cost to you

I’m pleased to be able to offer you a great opportunity that I am delighted to
be part of. It is a free 21-day virtual event that is getting support from some
of the leading transformation experts… It’s called:

Mastering The Art of Transformation: Breaking through your invisible
blocks to health, wealth and happiness.

I am honoured to be one of the top experts sharing our teachings for this special
virtual event.

Event host, Linda Stewart has brought together 21 top transformation experts,
best selling authors and change agents in the fields of abundance, happiness,
holistic health, healing and much more.

This unique event is designed to inspire, motivate and give you practical steps,
easy strategies and high frequency transformation tools to support you to live
a more fun and phenomenal life with ease and joy.

And not only is the event completely free, every single one of the experts has a
valuable, complementary gift of transformation as a bonus for every single one
of the listeners.

Simply Click Here to Get Access and hear my presentation and the other
great sessions.

If you miss an interview by registering you can listen “live” for 72 hours after
each call.

This great event starts on Monday 5th August and I am the first speaker at 8pm
BST, 12noon PDT, 3pm EDT.

I would love your feedback please if you manage to listen in.


Author of ‘Love Life, Live Life’, a Happiness and Empowerment Coach aka The Positivity Coach, Sue Stone is recognised as the UK’s happiest and most positive person. You can find her on Google+ and on Twitter.

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Sometimes things appear to just be getting worse in our lives!

Paradoxically it’s not uncommon for a positive change in our lives to be preceded by a chaotic period in which a number of unsettling things take place.  This ‘getting worse’ is often part of things getting better.

In some cases, ‘getting worse’ may simply be the residue of our old consciousness.  More often, however, when we have begun the mental and emotional process that allows positive change and miracles to move into our lives, we experience a clearing in consciousness.  This clearing in consciousness often results in the shifting around of many things and patterns in our lives.

This ties in with what is known in quantum physics as chaos theory.  In 1977 a Belgian chemist named Ilya Prigogine won the Nobel Prize for recognising that at the quantum level, disorder can be the source of a new order.  In other words, a process takes place in which a quantum system reorganises at a higher level.  In order for this to happen, however, there is a breaking down in the existing system.

This dissipation is essential to allow the system to reorganise and restructure.  Although the process appears to be chaotic, it is completely orderly and the system actually self-organises to a higher level of complexity.

The sudden appearance of order out of chaos is the rule rather than the exception.  This is an essential Truth of the creative process so remember the importance of chaos theory when you are working positively on yourself and perhaps praying for a miracle and things seem to be going out of control.

It’s very easy to become discouraged, angry or upset and to think and speak with great emotion during times of chaos.  When you do this, of course, you are sending powerful but negative messages to the Universe/God/Source.

No matter what is happening, stay focused on where you want to get to, stay focused on your miracle and not on the unfavourable circumstances.

Remind yourself, again and again if necessary:

Things are working for your, not against you. 

Remember you provide the consciousness, the Universe makes it happen and finds the perfect way.

Author of ‘Love Life, Live Life’, a Happiness and Empowerment Coach aka The Positivity Coach, Sue Stone is recognised as the UK’s happiest and most positive person. You can find her on Google+ and on Twitter.

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How Sue harnessed the power of the positive to bounce back

Here is the feature in the Yorkshire Post about Sue.

How Sue harnessed the power of the positive to bounce back

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May Special Offer – £19 instead of £114 to help you change your life

Here are details of my latest very special offer to help you change your life.

Life-transforming daily coaching support (5 times a week) for a full six months with my Happiness and Success videos (normally £99)

Love Life, Live Life Ebook  (normally £8) and The Power of Positive Living MP3 (normally £7)

This total package normally sells from my website for  £114 and it is now available to purchase
for just one week only at only £19. (Due to amazing demand we are extending the offer to end midnight GMT Thursday, 16th May, 2013) It’s a great sign that so many are ready to change.

  • Understand why your thoughts, feelings and beliefs are so powerful.
  • Identify and overcome the self-limiting and negative beliefs that have been holding you back
  • Breakthrough your limitations and make the shifts necessary to achieve success, joy and happiness in all areas of your life
  • Remove any blocks you may have to abundance and wealth
  • Discover fantastic ways to overcome stress
  • Take away highly effective confidence and self-esteem building techniques
  • Use powerful techniques to let go of past hurts, bitterness and resentment
  • Discover how to attract the right partner into your life
  • Achieve clarity of mind and body and revitalise your energy levels
  • Master the ability to handle your emotions and achieve true inner peace

To purchase this fantastic offer available only until midnight GMT Thursday, 16th May, 2013 click here

 You can receive a free video here

“Sue Stone’s Happiness & Success videos are like a daily sunshine bath of positive inspiration!
She has the uncanny knack of sending you the message you exactly need to hear at the time you
need to hear it. I would recommend them to everyone whose life is not complete Nirvana right now!”
Rachel Elnaugh Founder of Red Letter Days and BBCTVs Dragons’ Den

“When Sue’s Happiness Videos arrive into my inbox the first thing I do is open them.
I now don’t do anything that I would call ‘challenging’ without viewing them first. The
way Sue speaks right to you is so motivating and empowering. The tools she teaches
are so simple yet so effective. I met Sue a year ago for a one to one session after reading
her book, Love Life, Live Life.  I felt amazing after the session but keeping the momentum
going sometimes is hard. The videos are the best thing since sliced bread! They really have
contributed to changing my life and keeping me motivated and focused.”
James Norton, East London

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How to Create Miracles

“I believe in miracles, miracles happen to me!”  That was one of my regular
affirmations and self-talk when my life fell apart years ago.   We really CAN
create miracles in our lives and I have summarised below your part in the
miracle-making process.

Work to develop and maintain a strong miracle-making attitude.
Know that:

  • Miracles unfold according to Universal Law
  • Your miracle is possible
  • Your miracle is never too big
  • You play a major role
  • You deserve miracles in your life
Next, get rid of the negatives and make way for the miracle.
Let go of:
  • Complaining
  • Blaming
  • Self-criticism
  • Criticism of others
  • The ‘could’ve’, ‘should’ve’, ‘would’ve’ syndrome
  • Envy or jealousy
And on top of the above:
  • Be very clear – Focus on ‘what’, not ‘how’ or ‘when’
  • Expect the best
  • Let go of fear (especially the fear that it won’t happen)
  • Open your mind to all possibilities
  • See yourself as you want to be
  • Keep the power.  Don’t talk about it
  • Take inspired action
  • Focus on the outcome and the feeling of the outcome rather
    that how long it is taking.
  • Give thanks often for having already received your miracle.

 Sometimes, things even appear to get worse!

Paradoxically, it’s not uncommon for a positive change in our lives
to be preceded by a chaotic period in which a number of unsettling
things take place.  This ‘getting worse’ is often part of things getting

In some cases, ‘getting worse’ may simply be the residue of your old
consciousness.  This ties in with what is known in quantum physics
as chaos theory – a reorganisation and restructure at the unseen
quantum level.

The key at this time is to continually give thanks and focus on having
received your miracle and NOT the chaos!

If you would like any further help creating miracles in your life
why not consider one of the following;-

A one to one with Sue – in person, telephone or skype

A one to one with one of the fabulous Sue Stone Foundation team

Or take a look at Sue’s products available



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Sue Stone’s Charity Firewalk


I really enjoyed the challenge of walking across hot coals last night. It was such a good cause raising money for BCHA who support homeless and vulnerable people.
I raised over £1500 and the total raised was £8000 and I know BCHA were delighted.


Here is a short video clip and a few photos to prove I did it!!

Click here to see me doing the firewalk

Preparing myself mentally to walk!



The walk! As it’s daylight you can’t see the red glowing                  coals but believe me they are hot, you just can’t afford to dilly dally!

The excitement once you’ve done it!

And here is the link to You Tube of all of us! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIoIZhd0Z2c




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Take Responsibility For Your Own Financial Security

Discover how I turned my own financial situation around by taking advantage of my latest offer packed with practical tools and advice.

 is almost here so why not propel yourself forward with my special half price offer to Unlock Your Inner Millionaire which is available for one week only.

Normally selling at £25 for the two, my DVD Unlock Your Inner Millionaire  and my CD The Power of Positive Living


are now on a very special offer for £12.50 for the two! (incl P&P)

To take advantage of this offer available until midnight Wednesday 10th April please click here

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How to prepare for miracles

I believe in miracles, do you?

When I was at rock bottom years ago, I remember thinking ‘Oh my
goodness (probably a lot worse than that at the time!) I need a miracle
to get me out of the mess I’m in!’

In my desperation I started reading and researching ways to improve
my life and one of the first things I did was to start saying to myself
‘I trust in the power and the magic of the universe’ and ‘I believe in
miracles, miracles happen to me!’

I even used to sing these affirmations to myself with lots of positive
emotion (an important criteria for effective affirmations). A thought
that goes over and over in our mind, eventually gets accepted as
a belief…. and once the belief is in place, then you’re talking!

Negative habitual thoughts and beliefs are powerful habits developed
over a period of years. Thankfully it won’t take nearly as long to
change them as it did to form them.

Trained thought intentionally and consistently focuses on what
we want and not on what we don’t want. We develop trained thought
when we take charge of our thinking.

Remember, trained thought is more powerful than untrained

This is because it is intentional, positive, focused and consistent.

Trained thought connects with and lets the Universal Power move in
and through our lives in life-enhancing ways. It lets us express healthy
living, abundant living, wonderful relationships and overall success
in our lives. It brings good into our own lives and also into the lives
of others. It also brings about miracles!

Begin by monitoring your thoughts and statements and consciously
develop positive thought patterns about what you DO want and
not what you don’t! Trust me, it becomes easier with practice.

With love and my very best wishes,

ps This is the last week to take advantage of my latest special offer

pps Click here for Sue Stone Foundation events across the UK




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Be part of the Sue Stone Foundation team

Are you looking to create a happy and positive life for yourself and the people around you?

Or perhaps you are looking to expand your existing coaching business?

I have just a few places left for the next 2 day training on 7th and 8th March and if you

genuinely want to make a difference and come from the heart, this may well be for you.


We carefully select the ‘right’ people to be part of our team and if you would like to

apply and find out more please click on this link.

Be part of the Sue Stone Foundation team

Even though I say it myself, it is a wonderful 2 day experience and just the beginning of

a great connection.

So if this resonates with you, the time is NOW and I look forward to hearing from you.

My love and very best wishes,




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