
Sue Stone’s Motivational Blog

A very special offer to help you change your life


It’s the New Year when people pledge to make the changes  they have always wanted and make New Year’s resolutions,
and what with thousands more jobs being lost in the UK at the moment, what better time than to run an amazing offer
which will give you life-transforming daily coaching support (5 times a week) for a full six months with my Happiness
and Success videos

Normally £99, I’m making my highly popular six months’ coaching package available to purchase
for just one week only at only £19. 
(Offer ends midnight Friday 25th January, 2013)

  • Understand why your thoughts, feelings and beliefs are so powerful.
  • Identify and overcome the self-limiting and negative beliefs that have been holding you back
  • Breakthrough your limitations and make the shifts necessary to achieve success, joy and happiness in all areas of your life
  • Remove any blocks you may have to abundance and wealth
  • Discover fantastic ways to overcome stress
  • Take away highly effective confidence and self-esteem building techniques
  • Use powerful techniques to let go of past hurts, bitterness and resentment
  • Discover how to attract the right partner into your life
  • Achieve clarity of mind and body and revitalise your energy levels
  • Master the ability to handle your emotions and achieve true inner peace

To purchase this fantastic offer available only until midnight Friday, 25th January, 2013 click here

 You can receive a free one here

“Sue Stone’s Happiness & Success videos are like a daily sunshine bath of positive inspiration!
She has the uncanny knack of sending you the message you exactly need to hear at the time you
need to hear it. I would recommend them to everyone whose life is not complete Nirvana right now!”
Rachel Elnaugh Founder of Red Letter Days and BBCTVs Dragons’ Den

“When Sue’s Happiness Videos arrive into my inbox the first thing I do is open them.
I now don’t do anything that I would call ‘challenging’ without viewing them first. The
way Sue speaks right to you is so motivating and empowering. The tools she teaches
are so simple yet so effective. I met Sue a year ago for a one to one session after reading
her book, Love Life, Live Life.  I felt amazing after the session but keeping the momentum
going sometimes is hard. The videos are the best thing since sliced bread! They really have
contributed to changing my life and keeping me motivated and focused.”
James Norton, East London

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A Powerful Time to Change….

I feel very strongly that this is going to be a great year for many,

I hope you feel the same.  It is the year to make the changes you

really want or know you should make.


You’ve probably heard the expression ‘if you carry on doing

what you’ve always done, you’ll get more of what you’ve

already got!’


So where to start…?  If you can start to think differently,

you will start to act differently and then you will get

different results.


Remember we get more of what we focus on and give our attention

to.  We have our own Google alert mechanism in our brain (the

Reticular Activating System); If you were to key into Google the

search engine ‘failure, misery, debt, loneliness’ you know that in

seconds Google will bring to you right before your eyes everything

related to those negative words.


However, if you keyed into Google ‘new opportunity, solutions,

success, joy, peace’ Google would bring to you everything related to

‘new opportunity, solutions, success, joy, peace’!!


SO if your thoughts and focus are on all the things you are worried

about and not happy with in your life that is all your brain can SEE!

The key is to start shifting those negative thoughts and beliefs and

using your own Google (and of course the Law of Attraction) in

a positive way.


From all the great testimonials I receive, this one from Dylan

Lees-Jones says it all.

“Changing your thoughts from negative to positive is very difficult.

Sue’s techniques made it easy. This has been the nearest thing to a

 miracle cure and within two months of my coaching session I decided

I would set up my own business. I am now fulfilling my dream which

 I never thought possible before” 


The sooner you start working on yourself, the sooner your life will change.


If you need any help I have wonderful Sue Stone Foundation

Accredited Coaches across parts of the UK (and in Houston,Texas,

Australia and Dubai too).  We offer one to one sessions in person,

on the telephone or on skype.


Take a look here and see who you are drawn to help you.  All my coaches

share my passion to help others.


and for Positive and Empowering Events across the UK click here.


If you would like to find out how being part of the Sue Stone

Foundation can help you then just click on this link

We have spaces available for the next training dates and we share such

a fabulous time on the 2 days together.



So there you go, lots of support available if you need it….. And I have a

Turn Your Life Around Day at my home in February too!

Please click here for all the details.


Wishing you much joy, peace, love, happiness and success in 2013 and let’s

make it your best year so far!

With love,

Helping you achieve happiness and success beyond your wildest expectations.



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The Global Shift in Consciousness and 2012

You may or may not be aware for some years there has been an incredible global shift occurring which is expected to culminate in December 2012 and beyond.

When I first became aware of this I chose to delve more deeply into trying to understand what is actually meant by this and what is really going on.

A powerful planetary alignment is raising the vibration of our planet and new energies are changing the paradigm on earth. In simple terms, the old systems born out of fear, control and greed are breaking down and being exposed and we are moving into a new way of living, based on positivity, love, sharing and compassion.

To be honest it took me a while to get my head around it all, but you only need to take a step back and observe what has been going on over recent years and what is being exposed: MP’s fiddling their expenses, the banking system, the press related Leveson enquiry to name a few- all related to greed and control.

These are times to leave limits and see possibilities, live true prosperity away from lack and conditionings. It is time to leave fear behind and move into joy and peace, abundance and unity.

Quite simply we need to change our thinking system, because whether you are aware of it or not, we DO create our own reality.

This is why I set up the Sue Stone Foundation whose mission across the world is to help people from all walks of life create a happy and positive life for themselves.

If you need help I have Accredited Coaches across many parts of the UK (we need more!) and indeed in other parts of the world (currently Dubai, Australia and Texas, USA).

We work in a very practical and grounded way with simple, yet powerful techniques to deal with negativity in your everyday life and retrain your thinking….. with amazing results.

If you would like to create change in your own life and help others to do the same, being part of the Sue Stone Foundation may well be for you. Click on this link for more information and testimonials.

In addition for the spiritually minded there are 2 fabulous events coming up in December.

Monday 3rd December Diana Cooper is talking at my Positive Living Group in Bournemouth. For all the information just click on this link. 

And for a truly magical experience on 12/12/12 why not join Diana, myself and many more in London. For full details of this exciting one off event please click on this link http://www.121212oneworld.com/

These are truly exciting times to embrace a new future, so please be open minded and don’t get caught in the paradigm of fear, lack and limitation.

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The Power of Positive Living MP3 for just £1

In this powerful MP3 you will learn the techniques Sue used to transform her own life. Listen again and again for only £1. This is a one off limited offer!!

Secret Millionaire Sue Stone’s life hit rock bottom in the late 1990s, both emotionally and financially. She was desperately unhappy and on the verge of losing everything. Not accepting that this was going to be ‘it’, she set about researching ways to improve her life.

She learned about the incredible influence of our thoughts, our subconscious mind and the astonishing power of our feelings. Sue transformed her life to one of complete happiness, inner peace and abundance, a far cry from her state of desperation.

In this inspiring audio presentation, Sue educates, empowers and motivates you by sharing all that she has learned. She includes solid content and practical life transforming techniques that you can put to use immediately at home and at work.

If you are looking to change your life for the better, find ways to get out of debt or quite simply looking to give your life new positive direction and achieve the happiness and success you deserve, then why not take advantage of this amazing offer.

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The Power of Positive Words

In simple terms we create our reality in the physical world and how we see our world by what’s in our consciousness; Our consciousness being our thoughts, intentions, feelings and beliefs.  Something worth remembering too is that trained thought is more powerful than untrained thought.

Some very dramatic research that relates to this has been done by Dr.Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist who has found that water is incredibly responsive to human consciousness. In The Hidden Messages in Water, Emoto reports on his ten years of photographing ice crystals. He was astounded when, in his earliest efforts, music by Beethoven, Mozart and Chopin resulted in beautiful, well formed crystals filled with lovely harmonious detail. Heavy metal music, however, resulted in crystals that were fragmented and deformed.

Emoto’s experiments also have included writing words or phrases such as ‘Thank you’ and ‘Fool’ on pieces of paper, which were then wrapped around identical bottles of water taken from the same source. Amazingly and contrary to all logic, the water exposed to the phrase ‘Thank you’ produced beautiful and harmonious ice crystals, while the water exposed to the word ‘Fool’ produced malformed, fragmented crystals. Equally amazing, the same results were obtained even when these words and phrases were written in different languages.

Emoto states that, ‘The vibration of good words has a positive effect on our world whereas the vibration of negative words has the power to destroy. Since the adult human body is composed of 70% water, this is well worth thinking about the next time we are tempted to put ourselves down.

It’s also very significant in terms of thinking about our physical health.  I shall write again here soon with information and tips specifically relating to our health.

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The Olympics and World Peace

I would like to share with you an article from Cygnus Magazine that relates to the forthcoming Olympics that I felt was sufficiently important to share with as many people as possible. It suggested that the Olympics provided an opportunity for all who were interested in promoting world peace.

The article was written in the context of ‘The Power of Prayer’ but, for those with no religious interest, it could equally apply to the power of thought. There is much scientific rationale and some evidence these days for the power of concentrated thought and the impact of mass intention.

What the article actually contained was the following statement: ‘In common with any build-up and explosion of energy, the greater the ignition of focused positive thought at a given moment, the more impressive the effect can be towards change. What is needed is a particular moment of focus, worldwide, when as many people as possible can meditate
and pray for world peace. Working out worldwide timings based on GMT is unrealistic.

However, there will be such a moment – an instant – tomorrow when millions of people around the globe will be focusing on one event on their TV screens. At precisely the same time, worldwide. It’s the point of ignition of the Olympic flame on 27th July.

The idea is for everyone to focus on World Peace at the moment when the Olympic Cauldron is lit tomorrow to mark the opening of the Olympic Games. This can be done in whichever way feels best to you – through prayer, positive mental focus or visualisation.

The Olympic Charter contains the following statement in article 2 ‘The goal of Olympism is to place sport at the service of the harmonious development of humankind, with a view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity’.

If this resonates with you, as it certainly does with me, then please do join in, even for a few moments.

Many thanks,

My love and best wishes,

www.suestonefoundation.com   The Sue Stone Foundation…. spreading positivity, happiness, success and love across the globe


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A great positive day in London

I had such a fabulous day in London last Thursday, 28th June.

I headed to the Charlotte Street Hotel where we had a private room for lunch hosted by Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson. There were 9 of us in total, including Hugh Chambers, the Chief Commercial Officer with the British Olympic Association and Sue Tibballs, the Chief Executive of Women’s Sport and Fitness Foundation.  Also in our party were 2 other fellow Secret Millionaires, Lyn Cecil and Simrin Choudhrie.

Tanni Grey-Thompson is an extremely inspirational lady who has won 11 Paralympic Gold Medals and we met to discuss the ongoing support and promotion of Women’s Sport and Fitness Foundation (www.wsff.org.uk) .

The Foundation’s aim is to create a nation of active women; from dancing in the living room to celebrating gold.

The charity campaigns to make physical activity an everyday part of life for women and girls.

Why? Because being active gives us energy, gives us confidence and helps us to achieve our personal best and to stay healthy in mind, body and soul.  This also inspires others to do the same.

We are meeting again soon to see how the Sue Stone Foundation can get further involved.

After lunch I went to Camden Town to meet another fellow Secret Millionaire, Carol Hayes, who is Gok Wan’s agent.

Carol Hayes is a very successful lady and we shared stories and experiences relating to our undercover filming.  We both agreed we felt privileged to have been asked to take part in the Channel 4 programme and that the whole series of Secret Millionaire is a fabulous way of raising awareness of so many great causes and unsung heroes.

After I left Carol I wandered back to the underground.  Camden Town was buzzing and it was a beautifully warm day.  I truly love embracing the whole essence of London.

I arrived in South Kensington and had an hour to chill until Natz arrived, so I found myself a bar with tables outside and sat with a chilled glass of wine and my usual glass of water and watched the world go by!

Natz, who was being beautifully chauffered by Ben to meet me, had spent 2 hours stuck in traffic on the M3 but arrived just in time for us both to get changed.  At 6.30 we arrived at the Collection Lounge Bar in Chelsea for the exclusive launch party of Welch Morgan Locations set up by Denise Welch and Gaynor Morgan.

I was invited by Denise Welch who I am delighted to say is a great fan of my book Love Life, Live Life and continues to profess how much it has helped her understand and deal with her negative thoughts.  Thanks Denise!

I really like Denise and find her to be very honest and open and she is certainly giving her life new positive direction.

We enjoyed a fabulous champagne reception, beautiful canapes and great entertainment  from Lincoln Townley’s many talented artists.  One man turned up in a suit, blew a balloon up and got inside it!!
All the acts were quite unique!

We met some wonderful people and a great time was had by all.  I wish Denise and Gaynor every success with their new business venture. www.welchmorganlocations.com



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Very special offer to help you change your life

I and the thousands of people I have helped all over the world are living proof that changing your thoughts from negative to positive really does change your life.

There is more and more research being revealed all the time supporting this.

Due to a number of requests I am now offering some of my products again at a very special price for just one week only.

For £19 you will get my daily ‘Happiness and Success Videos’ for 6 months, to receive your free one click here.  My downloadable ebook ‘Love Life, Live Life’, and my downloadable MP3 ‘Power of Positive Living’,  These products together on my web site normally sell for a total of £114 but I am offering them again for one week only at £19. 

By showing people how to move from negative to positive I will share with you all the tools and techniques that enabled me to do it and that have now helped so many others.

“Changing your thoughts from negative to positive is very difficult. Sue’s techniques made it easy. This has been the nearest thing to a miracle cure and within two months of my coaching session I decided I would set up my own business. I am now fulfilling my dream which I never thought possible before”  Dylan Lees-Jones  London

To purchase this special limited offer please click here

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Daily Mail ‘Positive Thinking DOES work’

I’m living proof positive thinking really works, but it’s great to read articles like this in the Daily Mail today.

Positive Thinking Article Daily Mail June 20120001

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How I dealt with negative thoughts

I get asked this a lot so I thought I would explain how I dealt with my negative thoughts years ago as my ‘simple’ way has helped so many people.

It’s all about ‘conscious’ living and being aware of how you are feeling, almost on a moment by moment basis.

When I felt full of fear or low, I would ask myself ‘what am I thinking about?’ and sure enough I would be thinking about all the things that were NOT right in my life, or all the things I was worried might or might not happen!

I always acknowledged the thought (as things were pretty grim at the time), and then converted my inner critic to become my inner coach,  saying to myself something like this..

“OK it’s perfectly natural that I am having you, negative thought, but I’m letting you go now as I am not going to give you any power over me…..” and I would immediately replace it with thoughts of gratitude for all the things that were right in my life and the people I love.

I would also give my life positive direction by shifting my focus to where I did want to get to and I opened my mind up to finding the solutions to any problems I was encountering.

Remember, a negative thought only has power over you, if you react to it and give it emotion.  The way we feel in every moment is what we are creating and attracting into our lives.

The bottom line is watch your negative self-talk!  It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I hope you find this helpful.  It is no point knowing what to do, just do what you know!

The Sue Stone Foundation and our positive message is spreading far and wide. If you would like to be part of our team, we can now offer training anywhere in the world.

To find out more please click here

Spend a day with me at my home in June – There are just a few places left as I write this on 14th May, 2012

Details here

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