
Sue Stone’s Motivational Blog

Do you want to make a difference…

…and be part of a great team?

This year I set up the Sue Stone Foundation with a mission to spread positivity, happiness, success and indeed love across the world.

To date, I have carefully selected and trained 19 fabulous people from across the UK and as far as Australia. The connection between everyone and the on-going support and sharing has proved to be way beyond my wildest expectations and this is why the Sue Stone Foundation is different to any other training of its kind.

I am now looking for more fabulous people to train; perhaps you would like to be one of them?

Whether people are aware of it or not, we are going through a global shift in consciousness. The vibration of our planet is rising and new energies are changing the paradigm on earth.

We are moving away from a consciousness of control, fear and lack to one of whole new possibilities. All the old systems are breaking down; we can see it before our eyes all over the world.

But we have to be ready; our vibration has to increase dramatically and by that I mean moving away from negative thinking and fear. Many, many people are being forced into change that they do not know how to deal with, they quite simply do not have the tools and this is where the Sue Stone Foundation comes in.

If you would like to experience wonderful personal growth and be trained to coach, support and really make a difference in people’s lives, then please click on this link


There you can also read testimonials from my great coaches.

My next training dates available are in January, 2012

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Embrace Love

On Saturday 24th September 2011 I was invited to speak at the ‘Love Yourself Just the Way You Are’ event in the stunning Merley House, Dorset.

Noel Lockyer-Stevens and Sarah Haywood organised this wonderful event where they had a great handful of speakers and also lots of stands with different therapies and practitioners ranging from massages, to sound therapy, to organic food therapies.

The event was aimed at helping people to achieve a better way of being and give more ways of sustaining love for themselves. Learning how to develop happiness, success and positivity in their lives. How can you begin to love others and life around you if you can’t love yourself within. Live the life you choose rather than the life you have stumbled into.

I was very sorry to miss Camilla Carr’s talk at the start of the day. Herself and her husband went to Chechnya to set up a rehabilitation centre for children traumatised by war. Two months later they were kidnapped in the night by masked Chechen rebels. Held in captivity for 14months, they experienced everything from threat of execution, rape and mental torture to moments of compassion and kindness.

They survived this ordeal by using tools such as Tai Chi, meditation and humour, they managed to reach the small flame of love and laughter in their captors unquenched by the demonising nature of war. Camilla was there to describe their amazing story which everyone said was truly emotional and inspiring.

Just before I went on to do my talk I was lucky to see the magician Paul Newton who did amazing tricks and reminded me of Derren Brown!

What a fabulous day, well done Noel and Sarah.

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The Miracle of Personal Development by Jim Rohn

I just love the words of Jim Rohn, bless him he passed away in December 2009, but his work has been of great influence in my life and I thought I would share some of his words of advice here…..

One day my mentor Mr. Shoaff said, “Jim, if you want to be wealthy and happy, learn this lesson well: Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job.”

Since that time I’ve been working on my own personal development. And I must admit that this has been the most challenging assignment of all. This business of personal development lasts a lifetime.

You see, what you become is far more important than what you get. The important question to ask on the job is not, “What am I getting?” Instead, you should ask, “What am I becoming?” Getting and becoming are like Siamese twins: What you become directly influences what you get. Think of it this way: Most of what you have today you have attracted by becoming the person you are today.

I’ve also found that income rarely exceeds personal development. Sometimes income takes a lucky jump, but unless you learn to handle the responsibilities that come with it, it will usually shrink back to the amount you can handle.

If someone hands you a million dollars, you’d better hurry up and become a millionaire. A very rich man once said, “If you took all the money in the world and divided it equally among everybody, it would soon be back in the same pockets it was before.”

It is hard to keep that which has not been obtained through personal development.

So here’s the great axiom of life:

To have more than you’ve got, become more than you are.

This is where you should focus most of your attention. Otherwise, you just might have to contend with the axiom of not changing, which is:

Unless you change how you are, you’ll always have what you’ve got.

— Jim Rohn

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Need motivation? Here’s an inspirational success story

I have been working with Melanie Gwinnett on business mentoring & personal empowerment coaching and look what can happen in a very short space of time!

When I first met Mel, she was unhappy in her job, her confidence was in a fragile state and had no idea how to access the potential she had within.

She is a very talented product/graphic designer who had a huge passion for wildlife, with a burning desire to work for herself creating something that gave back to benefit the greater good. continue reading »

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Become an accredited Sue Stone Coach


I am looking for help with my work.

Are you looking to expand your existing coaching business or start a new career? In which case you may like to be part of The Sue Stone Foundation.

From the bigger picture point of view, we need as many people around the UK (and of course the world) helping others create a shift in their consciousness; their thoughts, feelings and beliefs.

Although there are no formal requirements for a background in life coaching or counselling (I have none), you are expected to be very familiar with the ideas in my book Love Life, Live Life, my CD The Power of Positive Living or have received my Daily Happiness and Success Videos or have attended one of my Events.

You should also have a strong desire to share these ideas and tools with others.

By becoming an accredited coach with The Sue Stone Foundation, I shall actively promote you including a link from my website.

If you are interested in finding out more please contact me here

The more we can spread positive energy, love and light the better!


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Sue Stone’s Positive Living Summer Party

Last night we had our annual drinks party for all the wonderful people that attend my Positive Living Group that I run in Bournemouth most Monday evenings. This year was extra special as we had people travelling down from so many different places and my home was filled with amazing and inspirational people.






We had a fantastic turnout despite the rain, which luckily softened as people started to arrive, including Rachel Elnaugh, Diana Cooper, Diane Egby-Edwards, Donna Maxine, Anne Jones, Shirley Battie and Barbara Dodson, all lovely friends together with my wonderful friends that attend the Positive Living Group.






My daughter Natz and her fiancé Ben did the canapés which went down very well and I had lots of great feedback that everyone enjoyed the food.  My son Nick and his girlfriend Taylor helped as well and together they all made a fantastic team.  Thanks guys for your wonderful support as always.  The only person missing for me was my other son Rich who is thriving in Panama.






It was a fun night and now we have stopped PLG for the summer and look forward to seeing everyone back in September.















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Roger Daltrey and Til Dusk at Broadlands

On Saturday 16th July I am going to Broadlands to watch and support a very talented up and coming band who I have been success coaching.

Til Dusk are going far so watch this space!








They are fabulous guys; Chris, Tom, James and Ash  http://www.tildusk.co.uk/

They have been selected to be the support band for Roger Daltrey who will be performing Tommy and The WHO’s greatest hits.

I am so excited to be going, I love live music and it is such a fabulous venue. Home of the late Lord Mountbatten, Broadlands is an elegant mansion set in beautifully landscaped grounds by the banks of the River Test.

We are all trusting and visualising a beautiful warm dry evening!


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Sue Stone’s trip to Coventry to visit Secret Millionaire friends

On Tuesday 12th July my daughter Natalie and I went up to Coventry to visit some lovely friends. During the filming of Channel 4’s ‘The Secret Millionaire’ I met lots of lovely people, but I especially have kept in contact and become friends with Anna Chandler and Kate Hills.

Unfortunately Anna hasn’t been very well again so was unable to leave her flat, as we were all going to go for a good catch up over some lunch. Kate, Natalie and I went to see her in her lovely flat. I so wanted Natalie and Anna to meet as they are the same age and I knew they would get along which they did.

It was so lovely to see Anna again, and even though she wasn’t feeling 100% she still has her great sense of humour and personality that people got to see on the show.


I have so much respect and admiration for Anna, she is a very inspirational young lady and one day she would like to tell her story.

Kate, Natalie and I went for a late lunch after visiting Anna where we talked about what we can do together in the future. I am delighted Kate is going to be part of The Sue Stone Foundation, she has so much amazing energy and already helps so many people.  We are both passionate about spreading positivity and love around the world. Kate’s working really hard at Hillz FM http://www.thehillz.net/ and has come a very long way after she started there 2 years ago. The radio station was a godsend to her and now she wants to give back to others.


Kate had a show at 5pm on Hillz FM so we went to the studio with her and she interviewed me live on her show which was a great pleasure. We had a fab day with the girls and are planning on going back up soon to visit them again.


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The truth about Sue Stone and The Secret Millionaire

I thought I would set the record straight about the ‘returning of the cheque’ by Kervin Julien

The truth is that Kervin Julien www.anesis.org.uk and all the people I met at Northpoint Church continue to do amazing work and I felt very privileged to have found them all when I went undercover looking for good causes to help.

From the programme you will see that my gift of £15,000 was to be used towards a Rehab Centre, this had been a vision of Kervin’s for some time.

Kervin signed the ‘Gift Agreement’ supplied by the television company which stipulates what the gift is to be used for and that “…it should not be applied in any other way”

Kervin emailed me on 14th February detailing our plans for the rehab centre we jointly chose to call Second Chance.  He then subsequently announced this to several hundred people at the Pride of Coventry Awards on 18th February, 2011 where we both publicly appealed for any further funding from private investors and local enterprise.

The Coventry Telegraph 1st March.

“Kervin has vowed to use the cash to realise his dream of opening a rehabilitation centre for drug addicts in Coventry…”


We were both incredibly excited and passionate about working on this project together.

Kervin expressed even more commitment to the project when he telephoned me several weeks ago to say that he and his wife were going to sell their family home. This was to help raise further funds he needed in order to buy a building for the Rehab Centre (rather than rent).

I was totally blown away and moved by his absolute commitment to the project and re-iterated to him that as soon as he needed the money to let me know.   He also needed to raise further funds which were to come in from the Church and (we hoped) private enterprise.  We have always been fully aware that government funding was highly unlikely.

As reported on 23rd May


And in the Coventry Telegraph on 23rd May


“Born-again Christian Kervin will use the money towards buying the rehab centre and installing appropriate facilities. Running the venture will be part-funded by his church, Northpoint Church in Bell Green. He is now looking at an eight-bed property with rooms on the side of the building which allow addicts to go through their “rattle” in isolation while getting off drugs”

At all times I have been totally committed and aware that Second Chance was a church based project.

Despite all the announcements and vows, Kervin on 2 occasions asked if he could use the money for different reasons and I explained my reasons why not.

In December 2010, he requested a burger van and I explained that I do not believe in sustaining street living with a burger van and that we had agreed we want to be getting people ‘off’ the streets into our Rehab Centre.

On Thursday, 16th June I had another call from Kervin requesting the money went into the Church fund. I reiterated to him what I had always stated and that is that I did not want the money to get ‘lost’ in the Church’s ‘pot’.  I reminded him of our commitment to the project Second Chance and we agreed I would visit him in July to ‘see where we were at’

You could have knocked me over with a feather when I received a call from the Coventry Telegraph on Monday 20th June at 15.04 and was asked for my comments on the piece they were running the next day about Kervin Julien returning my cheque because I had “vetoed all projects he wanted the money to be spent on because they are linked to Northpoint Church in Bell Green”

To say that I have been gutted by his words and actions is an understatement.  It was a genuine heartfelt gift towards a project we had both become so passionate about.  I have been consistently, passionately and excitedly committed to what we had agreed and the vows he has publicly made so many times.

For me this was far more than just the money, I wanted to actively get involved and help empower as many as possible who came to “Second Chance”, whatever their faith

I have never waivered from the truth, all of which is documented as above and signed by Kervin Julien himself.

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