
Sue Stone’s Motivational Blog

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A Powerful Time to Change….

I feel very strongly that this is going to be a great year for many,

I hope you feel the same.  It is the year to make the changes you

really want or know you should make.


You’ve probably heard the expression ‘if you carry on doing

what you’ve always done, you’ll get more of what you’ve

already got!’


So where to start…?  If you can start to think differently,

you will start to act differently and then you will get

different results.


Remember we get more of what we focus on and give our attention

to.  We have our own Google alert mechanism in our brain (the

Reticular Activating System); If you were to key into Google the

search engine ‘failure, misery, debt, loneliness’ you know that in

seconds Google will bring to you right before your eyes everything

related to those negative words.


However, if you keyed into Google ‘new opportunity, solutions,

success, joy, peace’ Google would bring to you everything related to

‘new opportunity, solutions, success, joy, peace’!!


SO if your thoughts and focus are on all the things you are worried

about and not happy with in your life that is all your brain can SEE!

The key is to start shifting those negative thoughts and beliefs and

using your own Google (and of course the Law of Attraction) in

a positive way.


From all the great testimonials I receive, this one from Dylan

Lees-Jones says it all.

“Changing your thoughts from negative to positive is very difficult.

Sue’s techniques made it easy. This has been the nearest thing to a

 miracle cure and within two months of my coaching session I decided

I would set up my own business. I am now fulfilling my dream which

 I never thought possible before” 


The sooner you start working on yourself, the sooner your life will change.


If you need any help I have wonderful Sue Stone Foundation

Accredited Coaches across parts of the UK (and in Houston,Texas,

Australia and Dubai too).  We offer one to one sessions in person,

on the telephone or on skype.


Take a look here and see who you are drawn to help you.  All my coaches

share my passion to help others.


and for Positive and Empowering Events across the UK click here.


If you would like to find out how being part of the Sue Stone

Foundation can help you then just click on this link

We have spaces available for the next training dates and we share such

a fabulous time on the 2 days together.



So there you go, lots of support available if you need it….. And I have a

Turn Your Life Around Day at my home in February too!

Please click here for all the details.


Wishing you much joy, peace, love, happiness and success in 2013 and let’s

make it your best year so far!

With love,

Helping you achieve happiness and success beyond your wildest expectations.




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