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Avoid Judging Things As Right Or Wrong

Avoid judging things as right or wrong. Things are just things. It is in the choice of
the observer of these things to classify them as good or bad, right or wrong, fun or not.
The minute you judge things, you judge yourself. You also block the hidden gift that an event
brings to you.

The Taoists have a wonderful way of explaining this using the story of the farmer whose horse
ran away.

A farmer’s horse ran away, and his neighbour, feeling sorry for him, said to the farmer:
“I am sorry that such a bad thing happened to you.” The farmer replied: “Don’t be, for who knows
what is good or bad.”

Well, the next day, the horse that ran away came back to the farmer, this time
bringing with it a herd of wild horses that it had befriended. The neighbour said to the farmer: “I
congratulate you for your good fortune!” The farmer replied: “Don’t for who knows what is good or bad.”
Well, the next day the farmer’s son tried to mount one of the wild horses and fell, breaking his leg.
Again, the neighbor said to the farmer: “I am sorry that such a bad thing happened to you.” The farmer
replied: “Don’t be, for who knows what is good or bad.”

The next day soldiers came to forcefully recruit for the army, but the farmer’s son was exempted
because of his broken leg.

Now this is just a simple story, but it demonstrates the miracles that the universe works in the most
unpredictable and seemingly unconnected ways so that all things work out to perfection. For those
who know and work with the laws of the universe, those who apply the law of cause and effect, those
who have certain goals and purpose and vision, this magic works beautifully, bringing with it synchronous
events, “coincidences,” and many other twists and turns that lead to the desired end.

So avoid judging things and people. It only slows you down and harms you. For you do not know the chain
of events planned. Also, you become what you judge and what you condemn returns to affect you.

By the law of cause and effect, when you judge and condemn, you set yourself up to be judged and condemned.

It really is worth remembering, a lesson I had to learn!!




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