
Sue Stone’s Motivational Blog

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Do things need to change in your life?

Well they certainly did for me several years ago.  I was always saying
‘Things need to change, they are just going from bad to worse’ and
that’s exactly what happened!

It got to the point one day (and I can vividly remember where I was
and what I was wearing) when I realised I was maxed out on everything,
the bank overdrafts, the credit cards, the loans and I couldn’t get my
hands on a single penny.  I literally had £10 left in my purse and no idea
where the next penny was coming from.

It wasn’t just financial, my whole life seemed to be going wrong and
things certainly needed to change.

I couldn’t believe my life had come to this and I started researching
ways to improve it.

That’s when I discovered that it was ME who had to change, not things
or other people.

There are many reasons for this but in simple terms when we start to think
differently, we feel and act differently and we get different results.

Now you probably know this but are you really doing it?

It’s no point KNOWING what to do; you must DO what you know.

It really is a case of self-awareness on a moment by moment basis,
what you are thinking, feeling and saying.  It’s conscious living.

Convert your inner critic to become your inner coach 

There is no point doing some positive thinking, visualisations and goal
setting in the morning and then allow yourself to get caught up in the
‘drama’ of the day and then wonder why this ‘stuff’ doesn’t work.
I’m not saying you do that, but it really is worth being aware.

Too many people unconsciously create the life they DON’T want
by giving it too much attention and focus.

I’m hoping this will be a gentle nudge for you should you need it,
but if you feel you could do with some help or have some deep-
rooted issues that need clearing why not connect with one of the
fabulous members of the Sue Stone Foundation, everyone
has their own unique gift to offer.

You can have a browse here.


Author of ‘Love Life, Live Life’, a Happiness and Empowerment Coach aka The Positivity Coach, Sue Stone is recognised as the UK’s happiest and most positive person. You can find her on Google+ and on Twitter.


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