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May 2014 – Shifting Awareness by Pam Gregory

I had to share this fascinating newsletter from my friend Pam Gregory.  Pam has had a passion for astrology for over
40 years and recently had her book published ‘You don’t really believe in astrology, do you?’


It’s a highly informative read!  Her website is www.thenextstep.uk.com

“April 2014, as I write, has delivered on being a very intense month. Many friends and clients have gone through enormous life change, whether that is in relationships, health, work or finances. Very often, as is the nature of Uranus, this has been experienced as out-of-the-blue events. It has seemed to me that those people who don’t have a spiritual practice feel this as overwhelming, chaotic, and unbearable. Those who do have a spiritual practice (I’m sure all of you reading this!) can see that endings are occurring, but with purpose. They know that as one door closes another opens. Importantly, they are seeing this as a change in level. The Grand Cross can act like a tidal wave to carry us to greater success. Astrology is incredibly inspiring but also practical in that, like a cosmic weather forecast, it alerts us to key times of change, endings and beginnings, and the quality of the symbolism and the areas of life which are likely to be affected.

Historically, Uranus-Pluto aspects have always been connected to a shift in the perception of our reality, and I profoundly believe that this is what is happening now. The mainstream are beginning to wake up (Uranus=awakening) to the power of thought, and that the universe is made up of energy and vibration. We are gravitationally organized patterns of light, and if we can elevate our vibration, we know we can change our reality.

Sensitive people have been very aware of the huge energy shifts that we have had through April. They have felt them physically, as aches, pains, and headaches, but also as unusual fatigue. I have frequently slept for 10 hours this month, feeling quite exhausted. However, the astrology enables me to understand that I’m not ill, but that the enormous changes we have had in the Earth’s electromagnetic field through the Lunar and Solar Eclipses and the Grand Cross, mean that our own electromagnetic fields have to adjust to these. The physical body is the last thing to catch up, as our densest form of energy. We will feel the resonance of these aspects for some weeks.

Also, sensitive people are reporting amazing perceptions, new mystical understandings, and becoming aware of dimensions of reality that they never believed existed. We are blessed to be born at this time. It feels very exciting, and the Solar Eclipse on April 29th, a powerful New Moon, is like a birthing to a new level. As well as the fundamental changes in people’s lives, many amazing out-of the-blue (Uranus) opportunities have come about, to enable people to achieve wonderful things in their work and life’s purpose. I get e-mails all the time, saying, “you’re never going to believe this…” but this is the kind of thing we should expect with these astrological configurations. If there was ever a time to learn to expect miracles as normal, this is it. We have been helped through this strong yang outgoing energy by the gentleness of Neptune and Chiron in Pisces, and Venus also entered Pisces on the 6th April. These planets in Pisces are all about unconditional love, miracles, healing, meditation, the oneness of the universe, consciousness and dreams. Many people are experiencing enormous dreams at the moment, from which they can receive guidance. Neptune remains in Pisces for many years, so use this as a way to ground and recharge yourself spiritually.

I am writing this May newsletter on the day of the Solar Eclipse, the 29th April. This is a powerful New Moon, always a new beginning. People born between 27th April – 1st May, 29th July – 3rd August, 30th October – 3rd November, 27th January – 1st February of any year may feel this most. This Solar Eclipse at 8 degrees 51 of Taurus is connected to the Earth, nature and beauty. Taurus is also connected to our value system, and at a superficial level can be materialistic. So at this new beginning, do we value money and things, or nature and the Earth? I feel that our relationship with the Earth is going to become more prominent now. At the last Uranus-Pluto aspect, we saw the birthing of the Internet and wifi. We now have much evidence, at this testing point of the square, of how much these electromagnetic waves interfere with our own natural resonance with the Earth’s pulse at 7.83Hz. This is the Schumann resonance, and I’ve written about it extensively in my book. We are becoming more aware that we are hardwired to the Earth, and must maintain our natural connection with the Earth (see www.groundology.co.uk for more info) for our physical and emotional well-being. So this Solar Eclipse is asking us what do we value? What is our relationship with the Earth and nature? What is beautiful? At this powerful New Moon, what is our new beginning now, and our new way of being?

On another level, I am a keen observer of world events, as it’s important for me to see how the astrological symbolism is unfolding in the world. I mentioned in the last newsletter how certain countries are pulled into the prevailing symbolism when their charts are triggered exactly by the astrological aspects. The Uranus-Pluto square is aspecting the charts of Russia, the Ukraine, the US, UK, and the charts of the leaders of Russia, the US, and Germany. I am not familiar with the charts of the leaders of other countries, but they may be triggered too. I also listed (as well as the above) Syria in my book as likely to be highlighted as experiencing turbulent, even violent times under these aspects. Specifically, when Pluto became stationery on the 14th April, its associations of control, invasion, coercion and violence became apparent in the Ukraine. On the day of the Lunar Eclipse on the 15th, a Full Moon, we appeared to have reached an ending with the Geneva agreement, and yet at the powerful Grand Cross we realise that it was just the beginning of a much more challenging phase, with the above countries and leaders becoming very high profile in the news, demonstrating the symbolism of the planetary archetypes. These meanings are unpredictability, turbulence, uprisings by the people, control, invasion, coercion, violence, all ultimately leading to fundamental change and the people demanding greater freedom and equality. Freedom and equality are the impetus of Uranus.

It’s important to say in terms of how astrology works, that the planetary archetypes act as ‘urges’ or ‘desires’ for people to act in a certain way, consistent with the prevailing symbolism, when they are triggered by very specific geometry of the aspects. Therefore at the moment, the leaders of the above countries are being ‘stirred’ by the powerful Grand Cross. For instance transiting Mars, planet of assertion and aggression, is exactly at 13 degrees Libra, conjunct the Sun of the Russian leader. The whole Grand Cross is therefore aspecting his Sun. So he may be feeling emboldened by assertive action. So any astrological aspect is less about predicting events, and more about the changing psychology of the individuals being triggered, which will then lead to probable kinds of events. It’s also important to say that it is often decisions taken under powerful configurations that produce dramatic events some time later. The Ukraine situation could well be an example of that, with leaders of countries taking some very clear positions.

The exact square between Uranus and Pluto is the fifth of seven from June 2012 to March 2015, and the most powerful. So decisions and events taken around this time could be important for world history.

May developments

In mid-May, at the time of the next Full Moon, Venus joins the Grand Cross. It comes to conjunct Uranus on May 14th, as a fifth planet in the Cross. It may bring relationship and financial issues to the fore, and also what we value. We will have just experienced the Solar Eclipse of April 29th with the New Moon in Taurus. Taurus is ruled by Venus, so it seems our whole value system is something many of us may be reconsidering now. This 5-planet Grand Cross, although the square is not quite ‘exact’ as it was 20-23rd April, is still well ‘within orb’, and therefore likely to be powerful. It will again be felt strongly by those who have their Sun in the mid-degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

This Full Moon on May 14th is at 23 degrees 54 Scorpio, at 7.15pm. Full Moons are cycles of completion, and this may be felt particularly by those born 11-15th February, 12-16th May, 15-19 August, and 15-19 November. Taurus tends to emphasise and value the material, whereas Scorpio values the spiritual. There is a strong message here about what we have considered important, and how that may be changing. Scorpio and Taurus are fixed signs, so there is a theme also about breaking down old fixed longstanding ways of being. Really think about deep-seated emotional patterns (Scorpio) and whether they continue to serve you. This is a good time to release them. Scorpio is also about learning through fear, and knowing that our greatest growth lies just beyond your greatest fear. This message is emphasised by Saturn being conjunct the Moon at this Full Moon, as Saturn often represents what we fear. So trust and let go.

The New Moon on May 28th is at 7 degrees 21 Gemini. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, so the power of our thoughts is being highlighted here. We are becoming aware through growing evidence that our thoughts are electrical impulse, which create emotion, a magnetic wave. These then get into a feedback loop (our thinking creates our emotion, which then tends to recreate the same pattern of thinking, etc) and together these create our vibration or ‘set point’. It is such wonderful teachers as Dr Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton and Lynne McTaggart, amongst others, believe that this vibration creates not only our health but all of our reality. The power of the mind is far greater than we have ever imagined, and the shift in this perception is a major part of the new paradigm.

So this New Moon in Gemini is an important step along the way in our perception of this. Become aware of your thinking day to day, even keep a thought journal. When are you generally positive in your thinking, and what triggers you to become negative? Becoming aware of this can help us to retrain our highly plastic brains, and enable us to replace negative thinking with positive. Become a ‘thought policeman’ for yourself; it is our thoughts that are the start point for all that follows. Changing your thinking changes your emotion, which changes your vibration and energy, which changes your life. It is so worth observing, and very empowering to know we can do this.

I have written in a recent FB post about how astrology determines your unique pattern, talents, challenges, and timing of experiences unfolding, but it is our consciousness that determines our level, whether we have a big life or a little life. The first step in raising our consciousness is becoming aware of our thinking, and how positive or negative it is. Our awareness of the power of our thought is part of the new paradigm. Your birthchart will indicate the kind of things you are likely to think about, and how your mind works, whether logically, analytically, or intuitively, but you determine the level. A major way (there are so many, which I have written about in my book) that astrology can help to raise our consciousness is when we realise that all the outer events and experiences in our life are already in our birthchart. That must be true otherwise I wouldn’t know what people are experiencing when they come to see me. Therefore in understanding that the outer comes from the inner (CG Jung’s theory, he was an astrologer too), that life comes from us not at us, not only is this very empowering but ultimately raises our consciousness. Jung believed that perceiving this connection between inner and outer would result in spiritual wholeness. Therefore astrology has an important role to play in the emerging consciousness, the new paradigm”


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