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The Global Shift in Consciousness and 2012

You may or may not be aware for some years there has been an incredible global shift occurring which is expected to culminate in December 2012 and beyond.

When I first became aware of this I chose to delve more deeply into trying to understand what is actually meant by this and what is really going on.

A powerful planetary alignment is raising the vibration of our planet and new energies are changing the paradigm on earth. In simple terms, the old systems born out of fear, control and greed are breaking down and being exposed and we are moving into a new way of living, based on positivity, love, sharing and compassion.

To be honest it took me a while to get my head around it all, but you only need to take a step back and observe what has been going on over recent years and what is being exposed: MP’s fiddling their expenses, the banking system, the press related Leveson enquiry to name a few- all related to greed and control.

These are times to leave limits and see possibilities, live true prosperity away from lack and conditionings. It is time to leave fear behind and move into joy and peace, abundance and unity.

Quite simply we need to change our thinking system, because whether you are aware of it or not, we DO create our own reality.

This is why I set up the Sue Stone Foundation whose mission across the world is to help people from all walks of life create a happy and positive life for themselves.

If you need help I have Accredited Coaches across many parts of the UK (we need more!) and indeed in other parts of the world (currently Dubai, Australia and Texas, USA).

We work in a very practical and grounded way with simple, yet powerful techniques to deal with negativity in your everyday life and retrain your thinking….. with amazing results.

If you would like to create change in your own life and help others to do the same, being part of the Sue Stone Foundation may well be for you. Click on this link for more information and testimonials.

In addition for the spiritually minded there are 2 fabulous events coming up in December.

Monday 3rd December Diana Cooper is talking at my Positive Living Group in Bournemouth. For all the information just click on this link. 

And for a truly magical experience on 12/12/12 why not join Diana, myself and many more in London. For full details of this exciting one off event please click on this link http://www.121212oneworld.com/

These are truly exciting times to embrace a new future, so please be open minded and don’t get caught in the paradigm of fear, lack and limitation.


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