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The Olympics and World Peace

I would like to share with you an article from Cygnus Magazine that relates to the forthcoming Olympics that I felt was sufficiently important to share with as many people as possible. It suggested that the Olympics provided an opportunity for all who were interested in promoting world peace.

The article was written in the context of ‘The Power of Prayer’ but, for those with no religious interest, it could equally apply to the power of thought. There is much scientific rationale and some evidence these days for the power of concentrated thought and the impact of mass intention.

What the article actually contained was the following statement: ‘In common with any build-up and explosion of energy, the greater the ignition of focused positive thought at a given moment, the more impressive the effect can be towards change. What is needed is a particular moment of focus, worldwide, when as many people as possible can meditate
and pray for world peace. Working out worldwide timings based on GMT is unrealistic.

However, there will be such a moment – an instant – tomorrow when millions of people around the globe will be focusing on one event on their TV screens. At precisely the same time, worldwide. It’s the point of ignition of the Olympic flame on 27th July.

The idea is for everyone to focus on World Peace at the moment when the Olympic Cauldron is lit tomorrow to mark the opening of the Olympic Games. This can be done in whichever way feels best to you – through prayer, positive mental focus or visualisation.

The Olympic Charter contains the following statement in article 2 ‘The goal of Olympism is to place sport at the service of the harmonious development of humankind, with a view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity’.

If this resonates with you, as it certainly does with me, then please do join in, even for a few moments.

Many thanks,

My love and best wishes,

www.suestonefoundation.com   The Sue Stone Foundation…. spreading positivity, happiness, success and love across the globe



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