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The Power of Positive Words

In simple terms we create our reality in the physical world and how we see our world by what’s in our consciousness; Our consciousness being our thoughts, intentions, feelings and beliefs.  Something worth remembering too is that trained thought is more powerful than untrained thought.

Some very dramatic research that relates to this has been done by Dr.Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist who has found that water is incredibly responsive to human consciousness. In The Hidden Messages in Water, Emoto reports on his ten years of photographing ice crystals. He was astounded when, in his earliest efforts, music by Beethoven, Mozart and Chopin resulted in beautiful, well formed crystals filled with lovely harmonious detail. Heavy metal music, however, resulted in crystals that were fragmented and deformed.

Emoto’s experiments also have included writing words or phrases such as ‘Thank you’ and ‘Fool’ on pieces of paper, which were then wrapped around identical bottles of water taken from the same source. Amazingly and contrary to all logic, the water exposed to the phrase ‘Thank you’ produced beautiful and harmonious ice crystals, while the water exposed to the word ‘Fool’ produced malformed, fragmented crystals. Equally amazing, the same results were obtained even when these words and phrases were written in different languages.

Emoto states that, ‘The vibration of good words has a positive effect on our world whereas the vibration of negative words has the power to destroy. Since the adult human body is composed of 70% water, this is well worth thinking about the next time we are tempted to put ourselves down.

It’s also very significant in terms of thinking about our physical health.  I shall write again here soon with information and tips specifically relating to our health.


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