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Total Solar Eclipse 20th March 2015 by Pam Gregory

New Moons are always a perfect time to set new intentions,and this is a very powerful New Moon as a Total Solar Eclipse SuperMoon at the last degree of the zodiac. The posting below will give you helpful information of the details of the Eclipse, but I would strongly encourage people to use the period as the Eclipse is happening to meditate on what you would like to bring into your life.

Many astrologers believe that whatever you are thinking and feeling over the period of the eclipse will sow seeds for the next three months, over which time the Eclipse energy will continue to be felt. All the more the case as this is the same day as the Spring Equinox, which happens 13 hours later as the Sun moves into Aries.

Can you think and feel greater than your current circumstances, to bring a new reality into being? What do you want to bring into your life that you can not only visualise but also experience the emotion, in order to bring those things into manifestation.

There are going to be some strong shifts in the Earth’s electro-magnetic field during the Eclipse and the Spring Equinox, as described in the video below, so be aware of these and endeavour to use them as energy portals to bring in your new life. One of the main purposes of astrology is to be aware of the changing astrological aspects, and understanding the opportunities that they present to us.


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